Introduced by the author, the kinetic parameters of reactivation i0 were determined using a scratch electrode method. β and Qp for rapid evaluation of alloy erosion-resistant corrosion resistance of new methods, cite examples of the application of this method are discussed. i and β are two parameters of the initial reactivation kinetics equation i (t) = i0exp (-βt), Qp is the result of integral integration of the time 0 → t as follows: Qp = (dt), the parameter i0 , Β and Qp meaning. The smaller the value of i0 or Qp, or the larger the value of β, the better the erosion resistance of the alloy. The results of nine kinds of alloys in wet-process phosphoric acid slurry show that the results of sorting corrosion-resistant corrosion resistance of alloy by Qp (or i0, β) values are basically the same as the data of the conventional rotary erosion-loss test (100h test).