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省财政厅政务公开的指导思想是:以转变工作职能、改进工作作风、提高工作效率、加强内外部监督制约为目的,坚持全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨,坚持思想建设、制度建设和监督检查相结合,立足国情、省情和财政工作实际,在厅机关逐步推行政务公开制度。目前主要在“窗口”处室、单位,采取适当方式公开除国家保密事项外的办事依据、办事程序和办事结果,以方便群众办事,利于社会监督,促进公务人员依法理财,依法行政,廉洁奉公,勤政为民,推动厅机关党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的健康发展。 The guiding principle for the openness of government affairs of the Provincial Department of Finance is to adhere to the basic tenet of serving the people wholeheartedly with the purpose of transforming the work functions, improving the working style, improving the work efficiency and strengthening the internal and external supervision and restriction. We should adhere to the fundamental principles of ideological construction, system construction and supervision and inspection Combination, based on national conditions, the provincial conditions and the actual financial work in the hall agencies gradually implement the system of government affairs. At present, mainly in the “window ” room, units, to open an appropriate way to public affairs in addition to state secrets based on the work procedures and results, in order to facilitate people’s work, which will help social supervision, public officials to promote wealth management, according to law, Honest and honest, diligent for the people, promote the organs and organs of the party style and clean government and the healthy development of anti-corruption struggle.
(昭和44年1月13日农政局长发布,最近一次修改:昭和49年5月31日)第一条《果树种苗的管理纲要》第三条所规定的植物检疫官员对于病毒病的检查,应按照本要点进行。第二条 1、根
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BECKMAN CX4型设备是一台全自动电脑化、具有选择性单频道多测定项目的生化分析仪,可分析不同的检体,如血清、尿液及脑脊髓液,在医院临床工作中起到重要作用。1 故障现象 T
在报告前,作为一个全苏昆虫学会会员的我,感到非常的高兴,因为我已经是第二次参加中国昆虫学会的报告会了,并且我要在今天的会上作报告。 我们,出席这个报告的苏联科学院全
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西宁市、各自治州人民政府,海东行署,省政府各委、办、厅、局: 省财政厅《关于青海省财政收入增长考核奖励办法的有关补充规定》已经省政府同意,现转发给你们,请认真遵照执