This essay examines and analyzes the syntactic constructions and interpretation mechanisms of the Chinese inverted verbs from the perspective of event semantics. It is pointed out that the prototype structure of inversion kinematics is [NP1 + V1-V2 + NP2], while semantically speaking the cause-result (CE-RE) structure. NP1 associated with a cause of the incident, NP2 is associated with the cause and result of the incident. Event structure can explain some of the syntax of the surface of the theme, although not an event, but to meet the requirements of the event semantic. The actor or function role in the NP1 attribute structure, NP1, is interpreted to provide the possibility of an event. Due to the different surface realization of the event, it can be implemented as an event participant NP, or as a fully assigned event, that is, the surface uses VP or S-encoding to cause events.