一、背景分析 1.差异化竞争策略,创佳成功创业法宝创佳公司成立于1996年,位于著名侨乡广东省潮州市,从一个名不见经传的小企业,经过近十年的发展,现已成长为一家集高端彩色电视机研发、生产、销售、服务为一体,并致力于半导体集成电路,大功率晶体管封装及芯片研发等光电子、微电子领域多元化发展的高科技集团公司。
First, the background analysis 1. Differentiated competition strategy, Chuangjia successful entrepreneurial magic Chuangjia company was established in 1996, is located in the famous hometown of overseas Chinese Chaozhou City, from a little-known small businesses, after nearly 10 years of development, has now grown into a high-end Color TV R & D, production, sales and service as one, and committed to the semiconductor integrated circuits, high-power transistor packaging and chip research and development and other optoelectronics, microelectronics diversified development in the field of high-tech group.