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维护公民升学机会的平等是我国法律保护的受教育机会平等的重要内容。中高考加分政策合理与否取决于加分政策所依据的分类标准是否侵犯了公民依法享有的受教育平等权。对基于父母身份给中高考考生的特惠性加分政策应该适用严格的审查标准,并且需要从立法上规范中高考加分政策。 Maintaining the equality of opportunities for citizens to go to school is an important part of the equality of educational opportunities protected by law in our country. The college entrance examination plus points policy is reasonable or not depends on whether the tax policy based on the classification criteria violated the citizens have the right to education by law. The preferential bonus test for candidates based on their parents’ status should be subject to strict scrutiny criteria, and the need to legislate for the extra points in the college entrance examination policy.
在前人从未涉猎的领域,一个人该怎样思想和言说:这就是马丁·海德格尔穷其一生模范地展示给我们的事业。为此我们要感激他。我们所有人,我们这些始终踩着他的肩膀成长的人都是他的学生……他是什么人,他是希望在墓志铭上刻上如下文字的人:他被生了下来,劳作了,又死了。还应加上一句:但是因为他的劳作,他死后的世界与他生前的世界已大不相同(参见文末附书中《柏林艺术界所致的悼辞》,瓦尔特·延斯)。  被生下来,劳作了