笔者研习经方多年,常用桂枝汤及其类方治疗诸多疑难杂症,兹择要分述如下。1 治验举隅1.1 长期自汗盗汗或低热 这类病症临床上往往原因不明,兼见症少或不明显,各项检查也无异常,与《伤寒论》所谓“藏无他病”之语暗合,证属营卫不和或表气不固所致。 自汗与盗汗本为二症,有的单见其一,有的二者并见;有的全身出汗,有的仅见头汗出或半身出汗。病程长久,选用益气、温
The author studied the classics for many years, and Guizhi Tang and its generic side are used to treat many incurable diseases. 1 The results of clinical tests 1.1 Long-term spontaneous sweating or low-calorie conditions are often unexplained clinically, with less or no obvious symptoms, and there are no abnormalities in the examinations, and the so-called “hiddenness-free” language in Treatise on Febrile Diseases. Coincidence, the certificate is not due to business or health. Self-sweat and night sweats are two symptoms, some of which are unique, some of them are common; some sweat, and others only see sweaty heads or half-body sweats. Long duration, choose Qi and temperature