
来源 :湖南林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:amyfun
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无性系繁殖的障碍及其克服的可能途径在各种育种系统中,都有一些妨碍选种效果实现和阻滞进展速度的技术问题,无性系育种过程中,也遇到了一些不加克服,无性系育种和无性系林业就无法实现的障碍。其中比较突出的是:老化效应(或老熟作用)和位置效应。前者指随着树龄增高,扦插生根能力下降,而且不同 Obstacles to clonal propagation and possible ways to overcome There are some technical problems in various breeding systems that hinder the realization of the selection effect and the speed of the retardation of development. During the breeding of clones, there are also some unskilled and asexual Barriers to breeding and clonal forestry are unachievable. Among the more prominent are: aging effects (or aging) and location effects. The former refers to as the age increases, cuttings root ability to decline, and different