我公司(原吴忠仪表厂),是国家定点的自动控制及其附件的专业厂,是中国仪器仪表协会常务理事单位,全国执行器行业协会会长单位。 吴忠仪表厂始建于1959年,经过38年的发展,工厂拥有60个系列,33种附件,6000多个品种规格的产品,主导产品有球阀、笼式阀,低噪音阀、三通阀、角阀和24个大系列的Cv3000精小型控制阀,还有HEP、HTP、VPI等24种附件,其中不少产品达到国际先进水平,自1980年以来曾先后5次引进日本山武·霍尼韦尔公司的具有当代国际水平的调节阀设计制造技术,通过消化吸收,现已全部实现了国产化,使我国自动化控制阀产品水平向前推进了10—15年,工厂
My company (former Wuzhong Instrument Factory), is the national designated automatic control and its annexes of the professional factory, China Institute of Instrumentation Association executive director units, the National Association of Actuators Industry Association units. Wuzhong Instrument Factory was founded in 1959, after 38 years of development, the factory has 60 series, 33 kinds of accessories, more than 6,000 varieties of products, leading products are ball valve, cage valve, low noise valve, three-way valve, Angle valve and 24 large series of Cv3000 precision control valves, as well as HEP, HTP, VPI and other 24 kinds of accessories, many of them reached the international advanced level, since 1980 has been introduced five times in Japan Shan Wu Honeyway Seoul company’s contemporary international design and manufacture of control valve, through digestion and absorption, has now been fully achieved localization, so that China’s automation and control valve products to move forward the level of 10-15 years, the factory