当美国总统的儿子自谋职业。 石油大王的儿子在餐馆里端盘子的 时候,中国的公子哥儿们在干什么? 先请看看近年来几个典型的腐败分 子的行径。如陈希同,有两个儿子叫 陈小希、陈小同,这两位陈公子仗着父 亲官大,在北京胡作非为。又如云南烟 王诸时健,他的女儿利用父亲的职权和 关系,大肆倒卖物资,并且侵吞巨额国 有财产。还有一个周文吉,官至宁夏回族 自治区政协副主席,他在任区劳动厅厅 长期间,竟把15名亲属、117名老同事、 老部下录用为国家干部。凡此种种均可 表明,中国的公子哥儿最擅长的拿手好 戏,便是在老子的权势荫护下混饭吃。 这,便是泱泱中国源远流长、博大 精深的裙带风。
When the son of the president of the United States self-employment. When the son of the oil king dumped his plate in the restaurant, what were the Chinese eldest sons and daughters? Let us first look at some typical examples of corrupt elements in recent years. For example, Chen Xitong has two sons, Chen Xiaoxi and Chen Xiaotong. Both of Chen's children relied on their father's official monarchy and they acted as non-fools in Beijing. Another example is the Yunnan tobacco king Zhu Shijian, his daughter to use his father's authority and relations, wantonly reselling supplies, and embezzle a huge amount of state-owned property. There is also a Zhou Wenji, an official to the vice chairman of the CPPCC Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, he served as director of the Labor Department, actually 15 relatives, 117 old colleagues, the old men hired as cadres. All these can show that China's son Gong Er is best at mastering the play, that is, under the shadow of Laozi mixed rice to eat. This is the result of China's long-standing, broad-minded cronyism.