金银花为常用中药。《中国药典》1990年版收载了忍冬科植物忍冬Lonicera japonica Thunb.红腺忍冬L·hypogtauca Miq.山银花L.confusa DC.或毛花柱忍冬L.dasystyta Rehd.的干燥花蕾或带初开的花作金银花使用。笔者在药品质量检查中,发现我市某医院中药房用于配方的金银花药材外观有异,经抽检,鉴定为金银花中混入了近2/3量的毛瑞香的花蕾。
Honeysuckle is a commonly used Chinese medicine. In the 1990 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, dry buds of the honeysuckle family Lonicera japonica Thunb. L. hypogtauca Miq. L. confusa DC. or L. dasystyta Rehd. Flowers used as honeysuckle. In the drug quality inspection, the author discovered that the appearance of the honeysuckle medicinal materials used in formulas in a pharmacy of a hospital in our city was different. After sampling, it was identified that honeysuckle was mixed with nearly 2/3 of the buds of Mao Ruixiang.