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哲蚌寺措钦大殿内转经道上创作于15世纪的壁画画风古朴、灵动活泼,具有很高的艺术和宗教价值。但由于各种环境因素的作用,此处壁画多种病害并存,需对其进行治理。为此我们对壁画的取样进行分析,以了解内转经道壁画的制作材料和工艺信息。由分析结果可知,哲蚌寺措钦大殿内转经道壁画所使用红色颜料为朱砂和铁红、绿色颜料为石绿、蓝色颜料为石青、黄色颜料为雌黄、白色颜料为白垩、黑色颜料为碳黑。内转经道壁画无白粉层,颜料层直接绘制在打磨光滑密实的白色阿嘎土地仗层上,且绘画工艺存在多层敷色和沥粉等技法。 Drepung Monastery Codinqin main hall within the turn by the road created in the 15th century murals simple, smart and lively, with high artistic and religious value. However, due to various environmental factors, murals here coexist in various diseases and need to be managed. To this end, we analyze the sampling of the murals in order to understand the material and process information of the murals. From the analysis results, we can see that the red pigments used in the murals of the Drepung Monastery in the Drepung Monastery are cinnabar and red iron, the green pigments are stone green, the blue pigments are azurites, the yellow pigments are feminine, the white pigments are chalk, and the black Pigment is carbon black. Inside the carved murals without white powder layer, the pigment layer directly drawn in polished smooth white Agat land battle layer, and the painting process there are multiple layers of color and leaching techniques.
许多家长,都会有这样的体会:过惯了饭来张口、衣来伸手生活的孩子,越来越不知道生活的艰辛了。  我有这种感受还是早在孩子8岁的时候。那天吃晚饭时,桌子上没有孩子爱吃的“红烧鳝段”,便把小嘴噘得老高,满脸的不高兴,任你怎么劝说,他就是以不动筷子提出抗议,急得他奶奶束手无策。事后我想想,越想越使我感到问题的严重性。是呀,我们做家长的,虽然含辛茹苦地承担整个家庭的重担,为了孩子更好地成长,省吃俭用地为孩子