2005年3月9日的斯坦福桥球场,切尔西与巴塞罗那的冠军联赛八分之一决赛第 二回合比赛,当主裁判吹响比赛结束的哨声,一个男人用最快的速度以近乎发狂的形 式冲进场内,和蓝军将士们抱在一起庆祝胜利。没错,他就是当今欧洲足坛最炙手可 热的新锐教练,年仅42岁就拥有冠军杯、联盟杯的葡萄牙人穆里尼奥。曾经,他只是 个翻译,甚至一名不值,然而短短几年内,他就成了让豪门为之颠狂的大明星。就他 个人而言,其成功的要素有很多,不过他能够如此辉煌更应该感谢他那份对胜利极度 渴望的偏执。
Stamford Bridge Stadium on March 9, 2005, Chelsea and Barcelona Champions League eighth round of the second leg match, when the referee blew the whistle of the end of the game, a man with the fastest speed in the almost crazy red Into the court, and the Blues soldiers held together to celebrate the victory. Yes, he is the hottest new European football coach today, only 42 years old have the Champions League, the Portuguese Cup Mourinho Cup. Once, he was just a translator, or even a worthless, but within a few short years, he became the big star crazy for giants. For him personally, there are many elements of his success, but he should be so grateful to thank him for his paranoid desire for victory.