秋田县沿海地带黑松林1 982年开始发生松材线虫病。由于该地缺乏劳动力,松材价格又低,因此松林处于放任不管状态。林间除罹病木外,还被压衰弱木、枯死木、雪害木及未清理的卫生间伐木,从而为松斑天牛(Monocha mus alterntus)提供了寄主。据调查,被压木每年有4-5%枯死,估计枯死前2-3年就受松斑天牛侵害。另据茨城县和岩手县报告,11 8个林分中有58.5%的林分在优势木明显受害前,被压木至少在上年就遭线虫侵染;在被压木大量枯死的林分中,因松材线虫病枯损剧增,2年后呈现严重被害情景。说明被压木是松材线虫病的重要感染源。防治试验于1983年3月开始,在象泻町
Pinewood nematode disease started in 982 in the coastal zone of Akita prefecture. Due to the lack of labor in the area, loose wood prices are low, so pine indulgence regardless of the state. In addition to diseased woods, the forest was also infested with weak wood, dead wood, snowy wood and unwashed bathroom logging, thus providing the host of Monocha mus Albatross. According to the survey, 4-5% of pressed wood is dead and dead, it is estimated that 2-3 days before withering will be affected by pine. According to Ibaraki Prefecture and Iwate Prefecture, 58.5% of the 11.8 stands were hit by nematodes at least in the previous year before the dominance of the dominant wood was evident. In the heavily blighted woodlands , Due to the sharp increase in the incidence of pine wilt disease, two years after the scene showed serious damage. Pressure wood is an important source of infection of pine wilt disease. Control test began in March 1983, in Niigata-cho