【摘 要】
In a practical coupling system, a cylindrical microlens is used to collimate the emission of a high power laser diode (LD) in the dimension perpendicular to the junction plane. Using passive alignment, the LD is placed in the focus of the cylindrical micr
【机 构】
【出 处】
In a practical coupling system, a cylindrical microlens is used to collimate the emission of a high power laser diode (LD) in the dimension perpendicular to the junction plane. Using passive alignment, the LD is placed in the focus of the cylindrical microlens generally, regardless of the performance of the multimode optical fiber and the LD. In this paper, a more complete analysis is arrived at by ray-tracing technique, by which the angle θ of the ray after refraction is computed as a function of the angle θ0 of the ray before refraction. The focus of the cylindrical microlens is not always the optimal position of the LD. In fact, in order to achieve a higher coupling efficiency, the optimal distance from the LD to the cylindrical microlens is dependent on not only the radius R and the index of refraction n of the cylindrical microlens, but also the divergence angle of the LD in the dimension perpendicular to the junction plane and the numerical aperture (NA) of the multimode optical fiber. The results of this discussion are in good agreement with experimental results.
采用激光加热基座法从粉末源棒直接制备LED白光源用Ce3+∶YAG单晶光纤荧光材料。通过单次或多次生长可以得到直径150~1000 μm各种Ce3 离子掺杂YAG单晶光纤。实验测量了所制备荧光光纤在波长465 nm LED激发下的荧光光谱, 结果表明在550 nm附近存在宽带强荧光辐射。利用所制备Ce3+∶YAG单晶光纤荧光材料与蓝色LED抽运光合成产生高效LED光纤白光源, 所得光纤白光源色温5881 K, 色坐标x=0.310, y=0.350, 显色指数为75.0, 表明光源输出光品质良好。由于Ce
Martin expression about the quantum defect of single-valence atoms is extended to many-valence atoms by identifying the weakest bound electron (WBE) under the weakest bound electron potential model (WBEPM) theory. Six Rydberg series energy levels of 2p6np
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具有Parity-Time (PT)对称性的光学系统是近年提出的一种新型光学结构, 在光开关、光子信息处理器件等方面具有潜在的应用。文章数值研究了局域单PT对称光学系统中基态孤子的存在范围与稳定特性。研究结果表明: 基态孤子存在一临界传播常数, 该传播常数对应线性模下的本征值。孤子的能量随着传播常数的增加而增加, 但随着PT对称势的调制深度的增加而减少。基态孤子在较深和较浅的PT对称势中都能稳定地传输。