出口押汇作为一种十分流行的融资方式,在国际商务和我国银行国际业务中得到了十分广泛的运用。 所谓出口押汇是指银行根据信用证受益人的要求,凭其提交的符合信用证条款的全套单据作为质押,按照票面金额扣除从议付日到由计收票款之日的利息及有关手续费,将现汇净额或按议付日外汇牌价折成人民币,付给受益人,然后凭单向开证行收回货款的一种融资业务。出口押汇既有利于缓解外贸部门资金短缺的困难,又有利于银贸双方把业务做活。现将其操作程序和技巧介绍下如:
As a very popular financing method, export bills have been used extensively in international business and in the international operations of Chinese banks. The so-called export bill payment refers to the bank’s pledge of beneficiaries of the letter of credit and a full set of documents submitted in accordance with the terms of the letter of credit as pledges, deducting the interest from the date of negotiation until the date on which the bills are collected, and the relevant procedures. Fees, the exchange of net foreign exchange or the foreign exchange rate on the date of negotiation is converted into Renminbi and paid to the beneficiary, and then a one-way issuance bank to recover the payment of a financing business. Export billing is not only conducive to ease the shortage of funds in the foreign trade sector, but also helps the two parties in the silver trade to do business. Now introduce its operating procedures and techniques such as: