This article investigates the therapeutic effect of controlled chest epidural block (TEA) on severe angina in the home. METHODS: Twenty patients with a mean age of 70 years with unstable angina pectoris, persistent angina bedside or acute myocardial infarction 2 days later were selected as the study subjects. Angina pectoris persists after 24 hours of intermittent nitroglycerin administration or TEA therapy is initiated when recurrence occurs. The T_ (2 ~ 5) intervertebral space into the epidural catheter. For patients treated with heparin or dicoumarol, they are discontinued for at least 4 hours to several days and re-administered after coagulation has returned to normal. Selection of motor nerve block light, long duration of acting tetracalcium because of epidural medication, the first dose of 5mg / ml, into the supine subdural