意大利艺术家Gehard Demetz专注于木雕研究,其代表性的创作是以木块为拼接元素的具象儿童造型。通过肌理式的拼接效果和娴熟的木雕技法,传达出艺术家对人性和社会问题的深入思考。Gehard Demetz以雕刻人物为主,专注于儿童,那些孤独,身心都残缺的儿童。在艺术家Gehard Demetz娴熟的雕刻技巧,碎块拼接的木材残缺虚实里,我们可以驻足,凝视这些孩子的一举一动。希望藉此来表达更多人文关怀的力量。
Italian artist Gehard Demetz specializes in the study of wood carving, and his representative creation is the figurative child’s figure with the mosaic piece of wood. Through the texture of the stitching effect and skilled wood carving techniques, to convey the artist’s human and social issues in-depth thinking. Gehard Demetz carved figures mainly focus on children, those lonely children who are physically and mentally handicapped. We can stop and gaze at the children’s every move with the artist’s skillful sculpting skills of Gehard Demetz and the fragmented nature of pieces of wood. I hope to express more humanistic care.