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Over the last decades as academic attention has been shifted from teaching to learning,individual learner’s emotions and feelings have been highlighted.Anxiety,a dominating factor which restrains learning activity has aroused great concern especially in the field of SLA.Then,how to tackle this problem in the most demanding language skill class--spoken English class and encourage students to output? The following will demonstrate the analysis as well as the solutions of this problem. Over the last decades as academic attention has been shifted from teaching to learning, individual learner’s emotions and feelings have been highlighted. Aniety, a dominating factor which restrains learning activity has aroused great awareness especially in the field of SLA. Chen, how to tackle this problem in the most demanding language skill class - spoken English class and encourage students to output? The following will demonstrates the analysis as well as the solutions of this problem.
在全域旅游背景下,高职旅游管理专业资源库建设如何进行,本文以长沙商贸旅游职业技术学院为例,以旅游综合资源库为重点内容进行四纬度顶层系统设计,探寻突出重点、共建共享、注入智慧因素的旅游管理专业资源库建设新思路,为教学、培训和促进全域旅游发展提供资源。  【关键词】全域旅游;四纬度;资源库;网络运行  全域旅游是要素与空间共同作用下的新型旅游发展形态,是我国经济社会和旅游需求发展到一定阶段的必然产物,