The negation used in context is coherent negation; the negation used in the world is a classic negation. I first give two logics, one is the basic coherent logic of information L_1, and the other is the logic system L_2 that is closely related to L_1. Among them, L 2 is characterized by a class model that contains both the world and the situation. When we consider only the parts of a L_2 model that contain contexts (along with reachability relationships, incompatibilities, and sets of discernable situations), we get a model structure of L_1. Given some intuition for the model structure and the possible world associated L_1, we obtain a special kind of model-the logic portrayed by such models can reasonably associate coherent negation with classical negation and allow us to think The two are compatible. In this article, I first give a simple information logic - a very weak coherent logic. Then, I try to use the classical treatment of the truth conditions of propositional connectives. The above process I completed in two steps. First, use the semantics of Routley-Meyer and the related information to explain. Then I gave another logic that could integrate the environment (or context) with the possible world. This relationship can be understood as the metaphysical relationship between information and reality. At the end of the article, I’ll point out the benefits of incorporating classic negation in coherent logic.