中共苏州市委 苏州市人民政府关于印发《苏州市深化经济体制改革三年行动计划(2014~2016年)》的通知

来源 :苏州市人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuchunjiangqq
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苏委发[2014]27号各市、区委和人民政府,苏州工业园区、苏州高新区、太仓港口工委和管委会,市委各部委办局,市各委办局,市各人民团体,各大专院校和直属单位:《苏州市深化经济体制改革三年行动计划(2014~2016)》已经十一届市委七次全体(扩大)会议审议通过,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。2014年8月6日 Suzhou Development Zone, Suzhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Taicang Port Working Committee and Management Committee, Municipal Committee of Ministries and commissions Office, Municipal Committee and Municipal People’s Government, All tertiary institutions and their subordinate units: “The Three-Year Action Plan for Deepening Economic System Reform in Suzhou City (2014 ~ 2016)” has been reviewed and approved by the Eleventh Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China at seven (enlarged) sessions and is hereby issued to you. Please seriously implement the plan. August 6, 2014