
来源 :林业科学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woyaodefeixiang
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黄带犀猎蝽在广州室内饲养年发生2代,以4~5龄若虫于杂草丛生的石块、土块下或枯枝落叶层中越冬。卵成块,12.5~16.5天孵化。若虫5龄,历期48.0~223.5天。成虫羽化后5.0~12.5天交配,交配后11.5~25.5天产卵。成虫寿命一般在36.0天以上。若虫和成虫有较强的耐饥力,在缺少猎物时3~5龄若虫和成虫寿命分别为8.9~13.2天和17.3~20.2天。室内外捕食试验表明:对马尾松毛虫、纵带球须刺蛾、丽绿刺蛾、细皮夜蛾和竹斑蛾幼虫有较好的抑制作用。 Yellow rhinoceros beetle in Guangzhou indoor feeding year occurred 2 generations to 4 to 5 instar nymphs overgrown stones, clods or litter layer of winter. Eggs into pieces, 12.5 ~ 16.5 days incubation. Nymph 5, the duration of 48.0 ~ 223.5 days. Adult emergence from 5.0 to 12.5 days after mating, oviposition 11.5 to 25.5 days after mating. Adult life expectancy of more than 36.0 days. Nymphs and adults have strong resistance to hunger, in the absence of prey 3 to 5 instar nymphs and adult life expectancy of 8.9 to 13.2 days and 17.3 to 20.2 days. The indoor and outdoor predation tests showed that: the Dendrolimus punctatus, the longitudinal ball Bullacta moths, green moths, small skin moth and moth larvae have better inhibition.
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