
来源 :日语教育与日本学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yliudl
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日本进入20世纪50年代后,随着日本经济的高度增长,最时髦、最“现代”内容题材的经济小说悄然兴起,以城山三郎为代表的一批优秀经济小说作家如雨后春笋般不断涌现。本文概括地叙述了四十年来日本经济小说发展的现状和文学创作特点。并对纯文学的虚构性与经济小说的真实性、知识性、资讯性进行了剖析。系统地研究解读日本现代经济小说所具有的现实意义和广泛的社会效应。 After Japan entered the 1950s, with the rapid growth of Japan’s economy, the most fashionable and most modern economic novels emerge quietly, and a number of excellent economic novel writers represented by Seong San-Sab continue to emerge . This article summarizes the current situation and literary creation characteristics of Japanese economic fiction over the past 40 years. And analyzes the fictionality of pure literature and the authenticity, knowledge and information of economic novel. Systematically study and interpret Japan’s modern economic novel has the practical significance and extensive social effects.
问:我家男宝8个月大,19斤,73厘米。一直纯母乳喂养,5个月大时喂点蛋黄、米汤、稀果泥,还能吃一点,可是最近每天只吃几个婴儿小馒头、一点点果泥,喂汤就故意吐出来。怎么不爱吃饭了呢?真是愁人啊!  答:你家宝宝体格发育挺正常的。孩子偶尔食欲不好,一般是宝宝发育过程中必经的胃肠道自我调整和修复阶段。别急,等等看。就算厌食很严重,也有办法的。  问:我的宝贝两岁了,一直不爱吃饭,变着戏法煮东西给她吃都