
来源 :现代舰船 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongminghe
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霍玲,女,海军少将,1947年出生,山西忻州人。哈尔滨军事工程学院毕业。曾任海军装备技术部兵器部副部长、部长,海军装备部兵器部部长,海军某试验基地总工程师,2002年晋升海军少将军衔,曾参与我国海军“鹰击”系列及多型导弹的研制和试验工作。 Huo Ling, female, naval general, was born in 1947, Shanxi Xinzhou. Harbin Military Institute of Technology graduate. He used to be the deputy minister and minister of the Armaments Department of the Navy’s Armament Department, the director of the Armaments Department of the Navy’s Armaments Department, and chief engineer of a naval base. In 2002, he was promoted to the rank of Major General Adviser of the Navy and participated in the “Navy Eagle” series and multi-type missiles Research and experimental work.
最近出版的《今日美国报》首次披露了一个惊人内幕:美国及西方各国新一轮的航母竞赛正在如火如荼地进行着,新型航母迫切需要新型功能的航母基地,以提高航母编队平时保养和快速反应能力。    美国航母基地    目前,正在研发的“CVN-21”级新型航母,是被美海军称作面向21世纪作战需要的核动力航母,将用以取代现役的“尼米兹”级核动力航母,并成为未来美航母打击部队的核心力量。据悉,首艘航母“CVN78”将