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2004年8月国际市场原油价格屡创历史新高,纽约期货市场WTI和欧洲布伦原油期货价格分别为21年和23年最高点,WTI原油期货价格达到创纪录的每桶48.7美元。前不久,欧佩克决定从今年11月1日开始日增原油100万桶,市场反应平淡。目前油价虽有回落,但仍在40美元/桶以上。为此,国家发展改革委发出通知,决定自2004年8月25日起适当提高成品油价格,零售中准价按出厂价调整幅度等额提高。这是国家发展改革委在今年内发出的第3次涨价通知。国家发改委价格司一位官员对记者解释说,抑制不合理需求,保证国内供应是此次调价的初衷。美国《华尔街日报》载文分析,由于无法将较高的石油进口成本转嫁至下游用户,中国政府对其国内燃油定价实行的管制机制需要及时调整。业内人士认为,由于中国在国际石油定价上没有话语权,随着国内油价与国际油价的进一步接轨,中国经济将不可避免地遭遇国际油价大幅波动所带来的阵痛。 August 2004 international oil prices hit record highs, the New York futures market WTI and European Bolan crude oil futures prices were the highest point of 21 years and 23 years, WTI crude oil futures reached a record 48.7 US dollars a barrel. Not long ago, OPEC decided to increase daily crude oil 1 million barrels from November 1 this year, the market reaction dull. Although the current oil prices have dropped, but still above 40 US dollars / barrel. To this end, the National Development and Reform Commission issued a circular, decided from August 25, 2004 from an appropriate increase in refined oil prices, retail prices in accordance with the ex-factory price adjustment equal increase. This is the third price increase notice issued by the National Development and Reform Commission within this year. An official of Price Department of NDRC explained to reporters: Suppressing unreasonable demand and ensuring that domestic supply is the original intention of the price adjustment. The United States, “The Wall Street Journal” contained in the article analysis, due to the high import costs of oil can not be passed on to downstream users, the Chinese government on its domestic fuel pricing regulatory mechanisms need to be adjusted in time. According to insiders, as China has no say in international oil pricing, with the further convergence of domestic oil prices and international oil prices, the Chinese economy will inevitably encounter the pain caused by the sharp fluctuations in international oil prices.
细胞因子网络异常在多发性骨髓瘤发病机理中起了重要作用。本文着重介绍了IL-1、IL-4、IL-6、sIL-6R、IL-10、G-CSF、GM-CSF、IFN-α、IFN-γ对骨髓瘤细胞增殖影响的研究进展。 Abnormal cytokine network plays an imp