
来源 :北京水务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hzfjl
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北京三家店拦河闸已运行48余年,经检测发现部分混凝土的老化和病害情况比较严重,需要尽快进行局部补强加固和全面防护处理。三家店拦河闸混凝土防护施工涉及到对混凝土的防碳化处理、裂缝处理、剥蚀面处理等内容,应用了防碳化柔性涂料、改性化学灌浆、粘贴碳纤维、喷涂聚脲弹性体等新材料、新技术和新工艺,为今后处理类似工程提供了宝贵的经验。 Beijing Sanjiandian Barrier has been in operation for more than 48 years. After testing, it is found that the aging and disease conditions of some concrete are serious and need to be partially reinforced, reinforced and comprehensively protected. The construction of Sanjiandian sluice gate concrete protection involves the anti-carbonization treatment, crack treatment and denudation surface treatment of concrete. New materials such as anti-carbonization flexible coating, modified chemical grouting, carbon fiber bonding and spraying polyurea elastomer are applied. New technologies and new technologies have provided valuable experience in handling similar projects in the future.