【摘 要】
In order to characterize the plastic state of a deformed material, an indentation method to determine the plastic equation of state(PES) was developed. The work
【出 处】
Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl
In order to characterize the plastic state of a deformed material, an indentation method to determine the plastic equation of state(PES) was developed. The work-hardening coefficient and the strain rate sensitivity coefficient of the plastic mechanic equation of state were determined by two kinds of indentation tests respectively. Therefore, the PES of materials under deformation can be obtained, and the plastic state of materials can be determined.
In order to characterize the plastic state of a deformed material, an indentation method to determine the plastic equation of state (PES) was developed. The work-hardening coefficient and the strain rate sensitivity coefficient of the plastic mechanic equation of state were determined by two kinds of indentation tests respectively. Therefore, the PES of materials under deformation can be obtained, and the plastic state of materials can be determined.
孙文生 ,男 ,195 4年 6月生于河北省南宫市 ,1982年毕业于河北大学 ,并获经济学学士学位 ,同年分配到河北农业大学从事教学工作至今。 1988年在中南财经大学获得经济学硕士学
本刊讯2003年11月13日凌晨4时50分,我国胸心血管外科奠基人、中国科学院院士、一代名医吴英恺溘然长逝,享年93岁。 吴英恺院士从医70多年以来,为我国胸心血管外科和心血管流
刘金平同志 ,因病医治无效 ,于 2 0 0 2年 7月 1 9日 9时 3 5分不幸逝世 ,享年 5 0岁。刘金平同志 ,1 95 3年 2月出生 ,江苏徐州人 ,1 970年 1 2月参加工作 ,中共党员 ,大学
个人素描 同是上海男人,网络游戏在眷顾了陈天桥的时候,也同样垂青了朱骏。2003年度福布斯中国富豪榜,37岁的朱骏列66位,净资产1.5亿美元。 与陈天桥相比,朱骏更乐得自己做
体育社会科学责任编辑 孔垂辉体育 ,希腊人的自由──读黑格尔《历史哲学》片断李力研 (1)……………………………………………………中华人民共和国开基创业时期的群众体育