中国有八大菜系,徽菜是八大菜系之一,向来以烹制山珍海味而著称,完全可以说每一道传统名菜都有一个动人和美丽的传说,这些动人和美丽的传说并不因为名人的逝去而失传,反而像那色、香、味俱全的佳肴那样源远流长。 清炖马蹄鳖:又称火腿炖甲鱼,它是一道徽州名菜,几百年来一直是脍炙人口的美味。明初,户部尚书连心荣曾将皖南山区的马蹄鳖进贡朱元璋,嗣后便列为贡品。皖南山区所产甲鱼,腹色青白,肉嫩胶浓无泥
China has eight cuisine, Anhui cuisine is one of the eight major dishes, has always been known for cooking delicacies, it can be said that every traditional dishes have a touching and beautiful legend, these moving and beautiful legend is not because of celebrity’s passing away And lost, but like that color, smell, tasteful cuisine as long history. Horseshoe turtle stew: also known as ham turtle, it is a Huizhou dishes, hundreds of years has been a popular taste. At the beginning of the Ming dynasty, the minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs even awarded the emperor Zhu Yuanzhang with a horse-shoe turtle in the mountainous area of southern Anhui and subsequently made a tribute. Soft-shelled turtle in southern Anhui mountains, belly blue, tender meat thick mud