Male suffering, 32 years old. driver. Because of chills, fever, headache, back pain for three days, in October 17, 1988 to “cold” admitted. Two days of treatment, the condition deteriorated. Physical examination: T39.6 ℃, P130 beats / min, R24 beats / min, Bp10.6 / 6.7kPa. Acute serious illness, tired thirsty to drink, no urine, facial edema, drunken appearance, eyelid edema, skin swelling, face, neck, upper chest skin flushing, bleeding under the armpits, normal heart and lungs, liver and spleen not palpable, Ascites (-), perineal area percussion pain (++). Blood: Hb110g / L, RBC4.1 × 10-12 / L, WBC6.4 × 10 ~ 9/L, N0.68, L0.30, different leaching 0.02, BPC66 × 10 ~ 9 / L, BT3 30 minutes, CT3 minutes and 30 seconds, urine routine protein (+++), RBC0-5 / HP, WBC0-1 / HP, pellet tube