经过近20多年的发展,特别是香港回归祖国以来,广东与香港实际上已经逐步形成了一个相互依存、功能齐全的大型经济区。香港的优势在于它是世界一流水平的国际金融、物流和商业营运中心.广东的优势在于它是当今世界发展最快、最有效率的加工制造基地之一。 香港回归6年来.粤港两地之间的经济融合度和依存度不断提高.广东经济发展蒸蒸日上.进入快速发展轨道.香港借此东风,抵御了亚洲经济危机和“SARS”危机.同时香港也在资金、人才等方面给予广东相应的支持。人们惊喜地看到.粤港两地的经贸合作已呈水乳交融之势.正在进入一个提速阶段。
After nearly 20 years of development, especially since Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, Guangdong and Hong Kong have in fact gradually formed an interdependent and fully functional large-scale economic zone. The advantage of Hong Kong is that it is a world-class international financial, logistics and commercial operation center. The advantage of Guangdong is that it is one of the fastest growing and most efficient manufacturing bases in the world today. In the six years since Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, the degree of economic integration and the degree of dependence between Guangdong and Hong Kong have been on the rise. Guangdong’s economy is booming and has entered a fast-track development. Hong Kong takes this easterly wind against the economic crisis in Asia and the “SARS” crisis. Capital, talent, etc. to give the appropriate support in Guangdong. People are pleasantly surprised to see that the economic and trade cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong has shown a symbiosis with each other and is entering a speed-up phase.