The discovery of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and its characteristics make the nature and epidemiology of hepatitis B more clear. He later found that hepatitis A virus-like particles in the stool, known as hepatitis A antigen (hereinafter referred to as HAAg), later confirmed HAAg and hepatitis A related. With these two serological tests, hepatitis A or B have now been clearly identified. In recent years, the study also found that part of hepatitis can not be attributed to A or B type. Also can not be attributed to cytomegalovirus or herpes zoster virus infection. This suggests that there is at least a third human hepatitis virus that is transmitted by serum. This type of hepatitis is called non-A, non-B hepatitis (also known as Hepatitis C). Recently there have been non-A, non-B hepatitis clinical and epidemiological studies