健康是不分国界的。在地球上生存的人们,无论你的肤色如何,语言怎样,但对养生保健的追求都是相通的。让我们走出国门,看看“老外”怎样关注健康。 少肉多素 欧洲流行素食风。他们认为肉类及肉制品可导致心脑血管系统疾病。在疯牛病及口蹄疫流行之际,肉类及肉制品在许多地方被摆在柜台极不显眼之处,与此同时,豆制品流行的趋势愈加明显。
Health is not national boundaries. People who live on Earth, no matter how your skin color, language, but the pursuit of health care are the same. Let’s go abroad to see how “foreigners” focus on health. Less meat and more popular European vegetarian vegetarian wind. They think that meat and meat products can cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. In the midst of mad cow disease and the prevalence of foot-and-mouth disease, meat and meat products have been placed on the counter in unobtrusive places in many places, while the trend toward soy products has become even more pronounced.