
来源 :实用肿瘤杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaccia_zhou
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1970年至1986年,我们对52例结肠癌并发急性完全性肠梗阻、急性腹膜炎和下消化道大出血患者进行了急诊手术治疗,其预后分析如下。临床资料本组病例均系急诊手术,未作肠道准备。男性29例,女性23例,男女之比为1.2:1。年龄最大79岁,最小17岁,平均48岁。60岁以上者16例,占33.7%。急诊手术病因系完全性肠梗阻43例,急性腹膜炎7例,急性下消化道大出血2例。病变位于升结肠18例,横结肠5例,降结肠17例,乙状结肠12例。急诊手术时间均在入院后24~72小时。急诊手术方法如表1示: 术后一月内死亡7例,其中3例死于 From 1970 to 1986, we conducted emergency surgical treatment of 52 cases of colon cancer complicated with acute complete intestinal obstruction, acute peritonitis, and massive bleeding of the lower digestive tract. The prognostic analysis was as follows. Clinical data The patients in this group were all undergoing emergency surgery and did not undergo bowel preparation. There were 29 males and 23 females. The male to female ratio was 1.2:1. The oldest is 79 years old and the youngest is 17 years old. The average age is 48 years old. There were 16 cases over the age of 60, accounting for 33.7%. The causes of emergency surgery were complete intestinal obstruction in 43 cases, acute peritonitis in 7 cases, and acute lower digestive tract bleeding in 2 cases. The lesions were located in 18 cases of ascending colon, 5 cases of transverse colon, 17 cases of descending colon, and 12 cases of sigmoid colon. The emergency operation time is 24 to 72 hours after admission. Emergency procedures are shown in Table 1. 7 patients died within 1 month after operation, 3 of them died of
由中国纺织信息中心和国家纺织产品开发中心举办的“第25届(2012春夏)中国流行面料入围评审”活动于2月25日在北京举行。 The 25th (2012 Spring / Summer) Finalist for Ch
柯兴氏综合征患者在两侧肾上腺全切除或次全切除后出现全身色素沉着,蝶鞍扩大及垂体肿瘤者称为 Nelson 氏综合征。但多发性内分泌腺瘤并行肾上腺切除术后引起的 Nelson 综合
本文报告 A、B 超声探查脉络膜肿瘤43例,包括黑色素瘤31例,转移癌9例,血管瘤3例。所有病例均在超声图上有阳性发现。本文结合肿瘤组织学特征介绍和讨论了脉络膜黑色素瘤、转
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