【摘 要】
In this paper, from the perspective of geothermal exploitation, it is envisaged that geothermal energy will be produced through the circulation channels of heat recovery medium through directional drilling and horizontal well-connecting technology in the super-deep salt deposits. And the energy efficiency of this method is analyzed preliminarily. It is concluded that the geothermal exploration in ultra-deep salt mine has certain prospects and is worth studying.
公司基本情况rn安徽天辰化工股份有限公司(以下简称:天辰股份)是中盐安徽红四方股份有限公司控股独立子公司,其前身合肥化工厂始建于1 957年.rn天辰股份是国内糊状聚氯乙烯树
各位代表、各位来宾 :我非常高兴参加中国林业工程建设协会第二届会员代表大会 ,首先我代表国家林业局发展计划与资金管理司对大会圆满成功地召开表示热烈祝贺。下面我讲三点
In order to improve the plasticity of 4004 Al alloy and subsequently the productivity of 4004 Al foil, the research studied in detail the influence of the rotar
第一章 总则第一条 协会名称 :中国林业工程建设协会。英文译名 :ChinaNationalConstructionAs sociationofForestryEngineering。英文缩写 :CFCA。第二条 协会的性质 :由国内各从事林业工程建设的勘察、设计
Chapter I General Provisi
Magnesium alloys are well known for their excellent properties, but the potential issues with oxidation and burning during melting and casting largely limit its
Recycling is a major consideration in continued aluminum use due to the enormous demand for high quality products. Some impurity elements gradually accumulate t