通过室内生物测定和田间试验 ,较系统地研究了乙虫脒对水稻螟虫的内吸、触杀和杀卵活性以及田间效果 ,同时评价了其对天敌的安全性。结果表明 :1)乙虫脒对二化螟和三化螟的内吸活性很好 ,且对二化螟的活性高于三化螟 ,2 5mg/ L乙虫脒对二化螟和三化螟的内吸杀虫效果分别为 90 .9%和 50 .0 % ,10 0mg/ L乙虫脒对三化螟的杀虫效果为 92 .3%。 2 )触杀活性高 ,对三化螟和二化螟的接触 L D50 值分别为 6 .4×10 -5μg/头和 2 .13× 10 -5μg/头 ,大大低于甲胺磷的 L D50 值 (1.331× 10 -3 和 1.781× 10 -3 μg/头 )。 3)综合活性好 ,对二化螟和三化螟分别只需 2 0和 2 5mg/ L即可达到 85%以上的防治效果。 4 )有一定的杀卵活性 ,2 0 0mg/ L对二化螟和三化螟的杀卵效果分别为 83.4 %和 0 .7% ,50 0 mg/ L对三化螟的杀卵效果为 93.4 %。 5)田间试验表明 ,112 .5g/ hm2 (a.i.,下同 )乙虫脒可有效控制三化螟枯心 ,在江苏省高淳地区 30 0 g/ hm2 可有效控制三化螟白穗 ,而在江苏省如东地区 6 7.5g/ hm2 即对三化螟和大螟白穗有较好的控制效果。此外 ,112 .5g/hm2 还对飞虱有较好的控制作用。 6 )对寄生蜂和蜘蛛较安全。
Through indoor bioassay and field experiment, the internal absorption, contact and kill activity and field effect of acetamiprid on rice stem borer were systematically studied, and their safety to natural enemies was also evaluated. The results showed that: 1) acetamiprid had good systemic activity against the striped stem borer and the striped stem borer, Chilo suppressalis, and its activity against the striped stem borer, Chilo suppressalis; 25 mmol / The insecticidal effect of the insects was 90.9% and 50.0%, respectively. The insecticidal effect of acetamiprid at 10 mg / L on the rice stem borer was 92.3%. 2) had high contact activity, and the contact L D50 values for the stem borer and the rice stem borer, respectively, were 6.4 × 10 -5 μg / head and 2.13 × 10 -5 μg / head, which were much lower than that of methamidophos Values (1.331 × 10 -3 and 1.781 × 10 -3 μg / head). 3) The comprehensive activity is good, and the control effect on the stem borer and the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis, can be achieved with the control effect of over 85% with only 20 and 25mg / L, respectively. 4) had a certain degree of ovicidal activity. The killing effect of 200 mg / L on the striped stem borer and the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker) was 83.4% and 0 .7%, respectively. 93.4%. 5) Field experiments showed that 112.5 g / hm2 (ai, the same below) acetamiprid was effective control of the stem borer in the rice stem borer, 30 0 g / hm2 Gaochun in Jiangsu Province can effectively control the white-bellied white rice in the Rudong region of Jiangsu Province, 6 7.5g / hm2 that is on the Borer and Sesamia inferens have better control effect. In addition, 112 .5g / hm2 also has better control of planthopper. 6) Safer parasites and spiders.