
来源 :激光与光电子学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dragonunderwater
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综述了德日五大激光技术研究中心有关激光材料加工研究方面的新进展。德国的两大研究所分别是夫琅和费激光技术研究所(ILT)和辐射工具研究所。他们在激光加工系统实时监控和多激光器、多工作站集成制造技术方面处于领先地位。同时他们的工作也涉及到激光焊接、切割、烧蚀、表面技术、微加工等各个领域。而日本的有关研究工作主要有大阪大学、应用工程中心和先进材料加工研究中心承担。他们的研究工作侧重于激光加工的物理本质,数学模型的研究。 The new progress on the research of laser material processing is summarized in the five laser technology research centers in Germany and Japan. The two German institutes are the Fraunhofer Institute of Laser Technology (ILT) and the Radiation Tool Institute. They are at the forefront of real-time monitoring of laser processing systems and multi-laser, multi-station integrated manufacturing technologies. At the same time their work also involves laser welding, cutting, ablation, surface technology, micro-machining and other fields. And Japan’s research work mainly Osaka University, Applied Engineering Center and Advanced Materials Processing Research Center. Their research focuses on the physical nature of laser processing and the study of mathematical models.
“最好时光三月半,满城儿女试新衣”。春天如歌,阳光明媚,春天就是一首诗,富有意象,让人着迷。在古诗中随手折叠一行五绝七律,便会春意盎然。古诗里的春天,鲜活了记忆,染绿了心情。  黄土高坡  人面桃花相映红  观花地点:昔阳大寨  《在那桃花盛开的地方》这首歌曲好像是今日大寨的真实写照,展现在我们面前的是桃树的世界,桃花的海洋!山上山下,沟沟岔岔,塄塄坎坎,房前屋后,到处盛开着桃花、有红的、粉的、白