Women, 28 years old, married. Due to menopause 52d, vaginal irregular bleeding, with abdominal pain 5d, on July 29, 1997 diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy income hospital. Previous menstrual irregularity, period 13 (4 ~ 6) / (30 ~ 40)) LMP May 2, 1997. July 24, 1997 menopause 52d vaginal bleeding, that menstrual cramps, the next day no obvious incentive sudden left lower quadrant pain, sustained about 40min after the relief, with nausea, no vomiting, no anal dang feeling no syncope, had local The treatment of colitis by the hospital is invalid. B-ultrasound tips: left attachment area mixed mass, pelvic fluid, not excluding ectopic pregnancy. Emergency hospital. Admission examination: body temperature 36.8 ℃, pulse