北京房山的韩村河村,地处北京市西南郊,如今通了公共汽车(不是长途汽车,而是公共汽车)。这一路公共汽车,始发站在北京市区的繁华地带天桥,终点站就设在韩村河。 公共汽车通到边远郊区的村子里,应该说是件稀罕事。它给村子里带来更多的交通便捷,客人来得更方便了,也来得更多了,村子里的人出去办事也更方便了。这些,对
Hancunhe Village, Fangshan, Beijing, is located in the southwestern suburbs of Beijing and now has a bus (not a coach, but a bus). This bus, the starting station in the bustling downtown Beijing flyover, the terminal is located in the Hancunhe. It is rare that buses pass through villages in remote suburbs. It gives the village more convenient transportation, guests come more convenient, but also come more, the village people go out and work more convenient. These, right