
来源 :激光与光电子学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z360052113
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日本松下电器产业公司研制成激光内窥镜用可挠性红外光纤。它由对人体无害的AgCl和单晶,采用热挤压法制成,对CO2激光的传输能力隹,晶体的屈服强度达到最大,光纤直径约达0.3 mm。
An improved self-mixing grating interferometer based on the Littrow structure has been proposed in this Letter to measure displacement. The grating is integrated inside the interferometer to reduce the impact on the vibration parameters of the object caus
采用射频磁控溅射设备以NiO为空穴注入层在MQWs/n?GaN上制备了p?NiO/MQWs/n?GaN异质结发光器件。通过X射线衍射仪(XRD)、原子力显微镜(AFM)、紫外分光光度计(UV?2700)等测试系统对制备的NiO层结构、形貌及光学特性进行了测试,结果表明NiO薄膜具有较好的结晶质量。对p?NiO/MQWs/n?GaN异质结器件进行了电流?电压(I?V)特性和电致发光(EL)特性测试。I?V特性测试结果显示,器件具有明显的整流特性,开启电压约为2.9 V。EL特性测
The liquid crystal thermography is a high-resolution and non-intrusive optical technique for full-field temperature measurement. We present detailed calibration data for a wide-bandwidth thermochromic liquid crystal (TLC) to investigate the effect of the
We report on a simultaneous generation of double white light lasers through filamentation by focusing a femtosecond laser pulse. The appearance of the two white light lasers can be controlled by tilting the focusing lens. The spectral bandwidth and the pu
Optical lenses used in high temperature environment are usually affected by thermal lenses problems, but it is difficult to evaluate their focal shifts in practical applications. A three-dimensional single-lens model based on finite element solver was bui
In this paper, an effective method is proposed to generate specific periodical surface structures. A 532 nm linearly polarized laser is used to irradiate the silicon with pulse duration of 10 ns and repetition frequency of 10 Hz. Laser-induced periodic su