用六种农药对菜粉蝶绒茧蜂Apanteles glomeratus(L.)作毒性测定,以期在菜粉蝶Artogeia rapae(L.)综合防治中做到合理用药,使药剂防治与保护天敌协调配合。 将绒茧蜂的茧,茧内虫态为老熟幼虫和蛹时,分别浸在不同的农药内5分钟,干后放在指形管内,观察成虫羽化率,重复3次(表1)。另一部分蜂茧羽化出成虫后,将蜂子放在15×3.5厘米的40目尼龙纱筒内,筒的一端封闭,对准光源,蜂子就趋向光源,用喉头喷雾
The toxicity of six pesticides to Apanteles glomeratus (L.) was determined in order to make rational use in the comprehensive prevention and treatment of Artogeia rapae (L.), so that the combination of pesticide control and natural enemies could be coordinated. When the cocoon and cocoon of the Culex pipiens pallens were larva and pupae, they were immersed in different pesticides for 5 minutes, respectively, and placed in the finger tube after drying. The emergence rate of the adults was observed for 3 times (Table 1). Another part of the bee cocoon emergence of adults, the bees on 15 × 3.5 cm 40 mesh nylon yarn tube, one end of the tube closed, aligned light source, bee tend to light source, the use of laryngeal spray