马内青霉菌(penicilium Marenffei)病是世界少见的真菌病。至今国内外报告的有20余例。这种病病情险恶,广西过去发现的10多例死亡率达100%。近来作者发现一例,经积极治疗后病情好转,特报告如下。患者男性,65岁,农民,南宁市郊人。咳嗽、咳痰9个月,曾在外院门诊反复就诊,诊断为“肺炎”,间断使用青霉素、链霉素肌注。入院前三个月病情加重,发热,纳差,乏力,消瘦,进行性贫血,两下肢浮肿;于1987年7月16日入院。体检:T39℃~40℃,呈弛张热,重度贫血外观,皮肤粘膜无黄染及出血点,无结节及皮疹,体表淋巴结不大。左下肺叩浊音,闻少许湿罗音。心脏正常。肝右助下1.5cm;质中,无压痛。两下肢踝关节以下中度凹陷性水肿。化验:Hb 4~5.5g%,RBC182万,WBC 8350~
Penicilium Marenffei is a rare mycosis in the world. So far more than 20 cases of domestic and international reports. The disease is dangerous and Guangxi has found more than 10 deaths in the past of 100%. Recently the author found one case, after active treatment improved condition, special report is as follows. Male patient, 65 years old, farmer, Nanning suburbs. Cough, sputum 9 months, repeatedly seen in the outpatient clinic, diagnosed as “pneumonia”, intermittent use of penicillin, streptomycin intramuscular injection. Three months before admission, his condition worsened, fever, anorexia, fatigue, weight loss, progressive anemia, both lower extremities edema; on July 16, 1987 admitted. Physical examination: T39 ℃ ~ 40 ℃, was remittent fever, severe anemia appearance, skin and mucosa without yellow dye and bleeding points, no nodules and rash, body surface lymph nodes is not large. Pulled lower left lung voiced, smell a little wet rales. The heart is normal. Right liver help 1.5cm; quality, no tenderness. Lower extremity ankle below the moderate depression of edema. Laboratory: Hb 4 ~ 5.5g%, RBC182 million, WBC 8350 ~