Worked for 30 years, 20 years in the party and government agencies, has experienced more than 10 positions, working with more than 200 people. The so-called “people over two hundred, all kinds of” colleagues in the modest and amiable and amiable person, stern and serious person who, regardless of the section but “big event not confused” If Lu Meng those who act rough can be fine as thin as Zhang also have it. In the meantime, I often feel that there are many “bright spots” in them, and they have learned and learned many things. They have enlightened themselves and realized many philosophy of life, the true meaning of life and the political principle. Now recorded in the next, the right to do “lead the brick.” First, do not circle. “We all come from all corners of the globe and come together for a common revolutionary goal.” The victory of the Chinese revolution and the achievements made in its construction are well known to all. Now some people plan a circle, pull Gang, engage in friction, wondering things can not pondering