本研究评价不充分的和不良的养护条件,对含有加气剂和减水剂的未掺与已掺粉煤灰砼性能的影响。 1 条件与试验所用材料包括最大粒径为20和10mm的碎砾石,河砂,A型普通波特兰水泥,中性松香皂树脂加气剂,磺化木质素钙基减水剂和沥青粉煤灰(F级)。选用水灰比为1.33、0.44和0.47的三种普通砼(以下分别称这些拌合物为“1、2、3”)。根据需要的坍落度选择单位用水量,并计算砂子的比例。减水剂剂量为每100kg胶结料+200毫升。
This study evaluated the effects of inadequate and poor curing conditions on the performance of unblended fly ash containing air entrainers and water reducers. 1 Conditions and test materials include crushed gravel with a maximum particle size of 20 and 10 mm, river sand, type A ordinary portland cement, neutral rosin soap resin air-entraining agent, sulfonated lignin calcium-based water-reducing agent and asphalt powder Coal ash (F grade). Three types of ordinary moromi were used with water-cement ratios of 1.33, 0.44, and 0.47 (hereinafter referred to as “1, 2, 3” respectively). Select the unit water consumption based on the required slump, and calculate the sand ratio. The water reducer dose is +200 ml per 100 kg of cement.