舞台上霸气十足的Amy GrubbHan在台下却显得特别娇小温柔。融合了东方古典美和西方个性美的她从小在英国长大,妈妈是泰国人,爸爸是英国人,4岁开始跳舞,11岁考入位于英国伦敦的皇家芭蕾舞学校,毕业后进入香港芭蕾舞团,成为一名职业芭蕾舞演员。“如果没有跟随丈夫来到北京,也许我现在还在迷茫中摸索。”2011年,北京9当代舞团排演现代舞剧《莎乐美》,Amy被舞团的编导一眼看中,“编导说我就是他们想找的,但其实我也不确定自己能否胜任,我还从没尝试过完全的现代舞作品。”第一次合作出奇成功,演出得
Amy GrubbHan domineering on stage but especially petite gentle under the stage. She grew up in the United Kingdom from the early age. Her mother was Thai, her father was British, she started dancing at the age of 4, and she was admitted to the Royal Ballet School in London at the age of 11. After graduation, she entered the Hong Kong Ballet and became a A professional ballerina. “If you did not follow her husband to Beijing, maybe I’m still confused to explore. ” In 2011, Beijing 9 contemporary dance rehearsal drama “Salome”, Amy was a choreographer at a glance, “ The editor said that I was looking for them, but in fact I am not sure whether I am competent or not, and I have never tried a complete modern dance. ”The first collaboration was surprisingly successful and the performance was