
来源 :中外文化与文论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yongxi
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新左派与新自由主义是中国今年来学界论争的热点,双方对中国现代化建设进程提出了具有建设性的意见。本文认为该论争实际上关注的是如何处理中国与西方文化关系的问题,因此笔者认为任何西方的理论或者中国的原有的价值都不能作为新的形势下判断问题正确与否的标准,只有针对具体问题,意见各方进行理性而深入的论证,才是得出正确结论的可行之路。 The new left and neo-liberalism are the hot spots for China’s academic debate this year. Both sides have put forward constructive suggestions on the process of China’s modernization. This paper argues that the controversy is actually concerned with how to deal with the issue of the relationship between Chinese and Western culture. Therefore, I believe that any Western theory or the original value of China can not be used as a criterion for judging whether a problem is correct under the new situation. Specific issues, opinions of all parties to rational and in-depth argument is the only way to get the correct conclusion.