On the Eastern and Western Cultures as Reflected in Differences in Food Culture

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When talking about differences between Eastern and Western culture,we should first think of the eating cultural differences.There are many differences in Eastern and Western food cultures,in this paper it will introduce the different food concepts,the different eating goals,the different eating habits,etc.A comparison study of Chinese and Western food culture still makes sense through the analysis of cultural differences between Chinese and Western food,we can understand their own cultural traditions in China and the West.At the same time it is able to carry out improvement and innovation of Chinese culture.Throughout the comparisons,coupled with the differences of the concept of Western food culture,objects,methods,ownership and nature,it studies these differences,identifies areas for mastery of the place,promotes cultural exchange.Thus it enables China to the world,and to make the world know China better. When talking about differences between Eastern and Western culture, we should first think of the eating cultural differences.There are many differences in Eastern and Western food cultures, in this paper it will introduce the different food concepts, the different eating goals, the different eating habits, etc.A comparison study of Chinese and Western food culture still makes sense through the analysis of cultural differences between Chinese and Western food, we can understand their own cultural traditions in China and the West. At the same time it is able to carry out improvement and innovation of Chinese culture. Through the comparisons, coupled with the differences of the concept of Western food culture, objects, methods, ownership and nature, it studies these differences, identifiers areas for mastery of the place, promotes cultural exchange.Thus it enables China to the world, and to make the world know China better.
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