1 选择优良品种春菜:黄瓜选用生育期较短、抗病力强、适应性广、产量高的麻阳本地早,茄子选用龙池1号。一季杂交晚稻是由国家杂交水稻工程技术研究中心研制而成,并经国家级审定的两系杂交中稻超级稻组合两优培九。 2 适时播种、移栽春菜中黄瓜、茄子于1月下旬薄膜大棚育苗,3月中旬移栽于低拱薄膜内;一季杂交晚稻两优培九于6月10日播种,7月1日移栽,秧龄21d,叶龄6.12叶,单株分
1 Select the best varieties of spring vegetables: cucumber selection of shorter growth period, disease resistance, wide adaptability, high yield Mayang local early, eggplant selection Longchi 1. The first season hybrid late rice is developed by the national hybrid rice engineering and technology research center and has been approved by the state as two-line hybrid middle-rice super hybrid rice Liangyou Peijiu. 2 timely sowing, transplanting spring vegetables cucumber, eggplant in late January film greenhouse nursery, transplanting in mid-March low arch film; one season hybrid rice Liangyou Peijiu sown on June 10, July 1 transplanting, seedling age 21d , Leaf age 6.12 leaves, single plant