目的了解手足口病聚集性疫情流行规律,为有效控制手足口病提供科学依据,方法采用统一印制的调查表进行现场调查,对有典型症状的病例及密切接触者采集样品进行病毒分离。采用EPIDATA 3.0数据库进行数据录入,运用SPSS软件统计分析。结果 27起疫情涉及87个病例和53个密接,其中幼儿园聚集性疫情最多(24起,占88.6%)。发病时间主要集中在5、6月,占49.4%(43例),男女性别比为1.23︰1,托幼儿童占95.4%(83人);发病年龄主要集中在4岁及以下儿童(占86.2%)。48.3%(42例)发病前7d与手足口病患者有接触,18.4%(16例)病例发病前7d到过手足口病流行地(均为幼儿园);50个病例检出总阳性率为90%,其中EV71病毒阳性占60.0%,COXA16占26%。53密切接触者的咽拭子样本做病毒检测,总检测阳性率28.3%。结论聚集疫情以托幼机构为主(占88.9%),EV71(占34.0%)病毒是引起托幼机构手足口病的聚集和暴发的主要原因。及时发现隔离可疑患儿,通风消毒保持清洁卫生,适时停课,停园是控制多暴发疫情主要措施。
Objective To understand the prevalence of aggregated epidemic situation of hand-foot-mouth disease and provide a scientific basis for effective control of hand-foot-mouth disease. Methods The site survey was conducted by using a unified printed questionnaire. Virus samples were collected from patients with typical symptoms and close contacts. Using EPIDATA 3.0 database for data entry, the use of SPSS software statistical analysis. Results The 27 outbreaks involved 87 cases and 53 close contacts, of which the highest incidence of kindergarten agglomeration (24, accounting for 88.6%). The onset time mainly concentrated in May and June, accounting for 49.4% (43 cases), the male-female ratio was 1.23︰1, while the children in kindergartens and nurses accounted for 95.4% (83 persons). The age of onset mainly concentrated in children aged 4 and below (86.2% %). 48.3% (42 cases) had contact with hand-foot-mouth disease patients 7 days before onset, and 18.4% (16 cases) had been treated with hand-foot-mouth disease (all were kindergarten) 7 days before onset; the total positive rate of 50 cases was 90 %, Of which EV71 virus positive accounted for 60.0%, COXA16 accounted for 26%. 53 close contact with throat swab samples do virus detection, the total positive rate of 28.3%. Conclusions The majority of the outbreaks were nurseries and kindergartens (88.9%). EV71 (34.0%) was the main cause of HFMD outbreaks in nurseries and kindergartens. Timely detection of isolated suspicious children, ventilation and disinfection to maintain cleanliness, timely closure, stop the park is to control the main outbreak of multiple outbreaks.