For the process of technological progress in the DSGE model, many literatures set it as a “neutral” feature into the production function. At present, there is no literature that studies all aspects of economic growth from the dynamic perspective of developing economies “technology absorption Factor productivity issues raised. By constructing a dynamic model of the trade flow and technology absorption characteristics of the two countries, this paper uses the frontier ”Bayesian estimation“ method to discuss the path of China’s technological evolution. Empirical results and numerical simulations based on Bayesian estimation show that the model of ”absorption and innovation" can explain China’s economic reality in a statistical sense and the efficiency improvement brought by technology absorption Is an important source of economic growth and total factor productivity growth in China. Under the open economy, China’s economic growth is long-term sustainable. When the level of technology stocks is high, the effect of its promotion on GDP can be extended to the second half of the cycle. When the technology absorbs less and innovates for a long time, the total factor productivity is lower than the technology absorption in a short period of time When foreign technological innovation has the characteristics of uncertainty, foreign technological innovation still has an improving effect on its total factor productivity, but it inhibits the growth effect of its own technology and shows a certain degree of technical substitution.