三岁看老 当“亚马逊”神话被纳斯达克的绿色风潮打碎后,中国的准亚马逊们依然热火朝天地追赶着梦想。一个数字表明,截止到今年6月,中国大陆的网上书店已经达到300家以上,比去年同期增长了258%。 曾几何时,不少人都说图书是最适合在网上卖的商品,价格透明、体积小、质量有保障,并易实现标准化,好配送(如今随电子图书e-book的出现,连配送都可省却了),
Three years old When the “Amazon” myth was shattered by the green gust of the Nasdaq, China’s quasi-Amazon are still chasing their dreams in full swing. A figure shows that as of June this year, online bookstores in mainland China have reached more than 300, an increase of 258% over the same period of last year. Once upon a time, many people say that books are the most suitable for online sale of goods, the price is transparent, small size, quality and security, and easy to achieve standardization, good delivery (now with the e-book e-book, even distribution can be saved Up),