从一般意义上讲,督查工作就是一个不断提出问题、发现问题、分析问题、解决问题,从而推动决策一步一步落实的过程。基于这样的思考,我认为督查人员只有具备强烈的问题意识,才能做好督查工作。具体地讲,应在四方面着力: 一、不断地提出问题。督查工作作为各级党委决策落实的助推器,既不能被动待命,更不能盲目蛮干。从何处入手,在哪里着力,这是督查督办能否取得成效的
In a general sense, the supervision work is a process of constantly asking questions, finding problems, analyzing problems and solving problems so as to promote the step-by-step implementation of the decision-making process. Based on this thinking, I think that inspectors should have a strong sense of problems before they can carry out supervision. Specifically, we should focus on four aspects: First, keep asking questions. As a booster for the decision-making by Party committees at all levels, the supervision work can neither be passive stand by nor can it be conducted blindly. Where to start, where to focus, this is the supervision and inspection can do fruitful